On Monday, the 29th ult. at 140, Sanchieball Street, Glasgow, the Lady of WIL- LIA31 STk: Rix jun. Esq. Writer, of a daughter.
On the 29th ult. the lady of G. N. S WIN SON, Esq. of Birmingham, of a daughter. On the 30th ult. in Park Crescent, the lady of the Hon. J. T. LESLIE MELyiLLE, of a daughter. On the 27th ult. at Salisbury, the Hon. Mrs. F. PARE, of a daughter. On the' 4th ult. at Hyde Park Terrace, the Lady BUR GisystsH, of a daughter. MARRIAGES.
On the 1st inst. at 4, Lynedoch Place, Edinburgh, the Rev. DAVID BUCHAN DOUSE Maxwelltown, Kirkcudbrightshire, to HELEN GRAHAME, daughter of Robert Hill, Esq. On the 30th ult. at St. John's. Clerkenwell, the Rev. R. It. FAULKNER, B D. Vicar of St. Sepulchre, Cambridge, to AGNES, second daughter of the late James Gilmour, Esq. of the Hon. East India Company's service. On the 31st ult. at All Souls' Church, Itiarylebone, KEITH BARNES, Esq. of Spring Gardens, to ELIZABETH, eldest daughter of the late Henry Hughs, Esq. of Barley Street.
On the 25th ult. in Downing Street, ALEXANDER DAWSON, Esq. 11LP. for Louth. On the 23rd ult. at Bath, Lady GLEDSTANEs, widow of the late Lieut.-Gen. Sir A. Gledstanes.
On the 25th ult. at the Vicarage, Bures, ARCHIBALD HAMILTON, Esq. of 26, Cumberland Street, in his 93rd year. At Maynooth, the Rev. P. BRENAN, P.P. of Maynooth and Leixlip, in his 74th year.
On tbe26th ult. at the house of her son-in-law, in York Street, Portman Square, Mrs. DESIPSTER, of Dunnichen, Forfarshire, N.B., in her 35th year. On the 27th ult. at the Manor House, Teddington, after having given birth to a Still-born son, the lady of Joust COULSON, Esq. only daughter of the late Rev. Edward Dawkins, of Portman Square. At the Cocoa Tree Hotel, St. James's Street, JOHN MORSEIRAD, Esq. son of Dowager Lady Morehead, of Richmond Hill, Sorry, in his 38th year. On the 2Sth ult. Jos KPH LANE Esq. of Greenhill, in his 83rd year, Magistrate of the counties of Stafford and Worcester. and Deputy Lieut. of the county of Stafford
On the 2nd Inst. at her house in Sackville Street, MART IsAnsLLA DuellessDow- tier of RUTLAND, widow of Charles late Duke of Rutland,in her 75th year.