On Monday, the Rev. C. Stannard, B.D. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, was instituted to the Rectory of Great Snoring, with Thursford annexed, Norfolk, vacant by the death of the Rev. J. Fawcett, B.D. Patrons, the Master and Fellows of that Society.
On the same day, the Rev. H. Owen, M.A. of Magdalen College, was instituted to the Rectory of Wilby, in the county of Suffolk, on his own petition.
On Wednesday, the Rev. W. Pulling, M.A. of Sidney Sussex College, was unani- mously elected Chaplain to the town gaol, on the resignation of the Rev. Professor Lee.
IPPREFERMENTS.-The Rev. R. Day to the Vicarage of Wenbaston, Suffolk. Patron, the Lord Chancellor.
The Rev. W. Warburton to be one of the Domestic Chaplains to the Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland.
The Rev. L. H. Irving to the Church and Parish of Abercorn, Presbytery of Lin- lithgow. Patron, the Earl of Hopetoun. The Rev. T. H. Horne, B.D. of St. John's College, Cambridge, to the Prebendal Stall in St. Paul's Cathedral vacant by the resignation of the Rev. J. Davison, B.D. Patron, the Lord Bishop of London. The Rev. G. Ware, B.A. to the Vicarage of Winsham, Somerset. Patron, the Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. The Rev. C. Pitt, LL.B. to the Rectory of Rendcombe, Gloucestershire (on his own petition), void by the death of the Rev. T. Jayne.