M. VARELA:4'S Chant Guerrier des Polonais is a spirited and
warlike ode, conceived in a truly Tyrtman vein. We congratulate him on his extraordinary skill utriusque lingue. He is entitled to it, indeed, from being the son of a Frenchman, and of the most accomplished -authoress of Cecilia, our. vountrywoman. Constable's Miscellany, in its Seventy-first Number, brings the American Ornithology to a close. This, the fourth volume, is sup. plementary to WILSON; containing the additions of BONAPARTE, a catalogue of American birds by AUDUBON, and another of the new species of American birds described by RICHARDSON and SWAINSON, together with much other matter. This is the only European edition of WILSON'S invaluable book. In the original it occupies nine quartos : here it is in three ,with a supplementary volume.