The Edinburgh Academy has published a collection of the Ex-
ercises of the pupils in that very excellent institution. The Exer- cises in Greek prose, Latin prose and verse, English prose and verse, are exceedingly creditable, and do honour to all the parties concerned. The Reverend Mr. WILLIAMS, the Rector, informs us in an advertisement, that only slight corrections have been ap- plied; it would have been useful to know to what extent the term slight may be stretched. We would have preferred to see the boy's reading in a note. In the matter and in the general style, no correction will avail,—we have therefore the means of judging so far without mistake; and we have been much pleased with the proficiency displayed both in the language, and in the masterly turn of thought which distinguish many of the com- positions, more particularly the English ones. The Directors of this institution appear to have shown enlight- ened views on the great subject of education in their management of it.