DUBLIN ELECTION.—The Dublin papers intimate that another peti.. tion is
about to be forwarded against the return of Lord Ingestrie and Mr. Shaw, the first petition having only been withdrawn on the score of a technical error.
IRISH Loans Inzurrnsnr.—There is not a single resident Peer in the county of Clare ; and it is therefore thought Sir Edward O'Brien,_ or Sir Augustus Fitzgerald, will be the Lord Lieutenaut.—Limerick Chro- nick.
Bisfior OF KILLALOE.—It is now reported that Archdeacon Torrens will not be the Bishop of Killaloe ; brit that the Rev. Thomas Hawkins, D.D., Dean of Clonfert, and Rector of the valuable living of Dunkerrin, will have the preference of that See.—Limerick Chronicle. THE ColloNATioN.—Preparations are going forward in almost every town for celebrating the Coronation. At Chelmsford, a dinner is to be given to 2,000 poor people, and tickets for beer afterwards, to he carried home to their families.
SWING Gessnor.s.—A fire occurred on Friday night last week, at Wind- mill Hill, in this county, which consumed a barn, containing a quantity of wheat and oats, and part of a bay-rick, belonging to Mr. Bellingham. Oa Saturday, a quantity of furze at Biding, belonging to Mr. Hodson, was fired, it is thought by a poacher.—Briyhton Gazette.
A stack of hay on Mr. North's farm at Wootton was wilfully set on fire on the night of Sunday sennight. In many parts of the county, particularly at Tittleshall and the neigh- bourhood, inflammatory epistles are becoming very general.—East Anglian (Norwich paper.)
Hor HARVEST.—The hop-picking at Farnham and neighbourhood commenced on Monday. The mould is more or less prevalent in many grounds, and though there will be a great many hops grown, in the samples there will be a great difference. The late high winds have injured them but very little, except in exposed situations. Some new Farnham pockets of fine growth will be in the market in a few days.— Hampshire Advertiser. EAST EETFORD.—The majority of the plantations in the Clays are looking favourably, and during the last few days have materially im- proved. Picking will commence in about a fortnight in the forward plantations. Some plantations are expected to produce from 12 to 16 cwt. per acre.