THE Provisional Government of Tuscany, supported by the re- presentatives of the people without one dissentient voice, has signified its intention of proposing the annexation of the province to the kingdom of Victor Emmanuel. The reasons for the mea- sure we fully explained last week : it will be found that sub- stantially we had anticipated the declaration made by the lead- ing Tuscans in the paper which we abridge this week.
It will also be found that the article in the Constitutionnel adumbrates a reply from the French Government, 'which we had ventured to anticipate from some knowledge of the course taken by the Emperor Napoleon. The Paris journal, which is supposed to represent his views with peculiar accuracy, intimates that he had desired to see the Princes of the Duchies reaceepted by the people of those Duchies, although they had been in active alliance with the armed opponents of the Emperor Napoleon not less than of the Italian people. At the same time it is distinctly declared that he will not take away the independence which his hand has helped to confer on Italy, and that France will not repeat the mistakes of the old Austrian policy. " Armed intervention in the affairs of the Peninsula has ceased for ever." Such is the spirit of what must be regarded as something more than a semi-official manifesto. It will be found to confirm with great precision what we anticipated last Saturday, and it leaves the result of late events in Italy under very little shadow of doubt.