3 SEPTEMBER 1859, page 2

The Hiiilders' Strike.

A new element has developed itself in the strike. The non-society men have met to protest that they do not share the opinion of the " Conference," and have formed a fund of......


THE Quxus and the Royal Family left Osborne early on Monday morn- ing, arrived in Portsmouth at ten o'clock, and in town at one. The Queen dined at Buckingham Palace and set out......

From Ireland The Only News Still Relates To The Crusade

against non-sectarian education, which Dr. Cullen and his subordinate Bishops have commenced. The Otonoghtte, M.P.,—a young Kerry gentleman who obtained his seat in Tipperary by......

The Strike In The Building Trade Continues, As Under The

pre- sent strategy of both sides it seems likely t do, without any approach towards a better understanding. Wit use the words " better understanding," in the most literal......

Ttr 311tirniudis.

The Citond Duke Constantine visited the Great Eastern on Saturday. He 9oett three hours in inspecting every part of the big ship, and, ac- cor8mg to the Pepys of the occasion, "......