There has been but little business transacted in English Securities during the week ; the Government Broker continues to purchase about 15,0001.. stock per day, which in the absence of money sales on the part of the public gives of course considerable tone to the Market. In spite of the drain of gold from the Bank, and lower prices of French Renter, firmness has de- cidedly prevailed. The attention of capitalists appears to be for the moment engrossed by the loan for India, which under the influence of repeated in- vestments yesterday was quoted 99199f, a price which, however, was not maintained ; a reaction has occurred to 99 991, and the appearance of the Market is somewhat languid. Money is in good demand, at 21 per cent,. with a large supply at that rate. Today, Consols have declined to 951951, the highest figure reached was 951, there being yesterday strong buyers at that price. Bank Stock leaves off 224 226; Exchequer Bills, 218. 248.; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 96 96} ; Consols for Money, 951 951. The Foreign Market has shown great mactivy, and Stocks have scarcely varied from the values of last week. The New Russian Loan has, however, been more in demand, and from f dis. it has been purchased up to par ff. Mexican Bonds are firm at 20f 201, and the Turkish Six per Cents, New Stock, steady at 71 72; Chilian Six per Cents, 102 104; Ditto Three per Cents, 71 73 ; Ditto Four-and-a-half per Cents, 87 89 ; Buenos Ayres, 72 74; Buenos Ayres Three per Cents, 18 19; Grenada Active, 17.18; Ditto Deferred, 6 5f ; Venezuela Three per Cents, 271 28. Austrian remains 5 dis. at par ; Russian Five per Cents, ex div., are now quoted 108 110; Turkish Six per Cents Old Stock stationary at 83 84 ; Peruvian Four-and- a-half per Cents, 92 93 ; Ditto Three per Cents, 72 73 ; Ditto Dollar Bonds, 78 80. Sardinian has been quiet at 85 87 ; and Victor Emmanuel nominally 91 93; Portuguese Three per Cents are finally 451 461. A fair amount of business has this week been transacted in the English Railway Share Market at a general advance in quotations, supported by steady purchases for investment, no doubt to a considerable extent induced by the favourable half-yearly statements and the steady increase of traffic. There has been a slight reaction from the highest quotations, neverthe- less the market is firm. London and Brighton, 110 111 ; North Stafford- shire, 4/ 4f discount ; Chester and Holyhead, 49 49i ; London and North Western, 941 94/ ; Midland, 104/ 105; London and South Western, 92 93; Great Western, 601 601; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 981 99 ; Caledonian, 43 431; Great Northern, 1011 102 ; Manchester Sheffield and Lincoln, 36 361; London and Blackwell, 64 65. French shares, owing to flatness on the Paris Bourse, are dull and at lower rates. Paris and Lyons are now 341 34/, and Northern of France, 36137 ; the principal business has been in the Lombardo-Venetian, but the quotations have not varied materially • the Old leaves off, 21 21 prem. ; and the New, 2 2,1 prem. The Indian. Share Market has been almost deserted, and prices are merely nominal—East Indian, 100 101; Great Indian Peninsula, 98 99; Madras, 94 96. In Joint Stock Bank, Gas Mining, and Miscellaneous Stocks and Shares, an average business has been negotiated, but with no important, change in their re- spective values.