3 SEPTEMBER 1870, Page 14


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, —Some of your readers may, perhaps, remember the case of Gunesh Soonderi Dabee, the young Hindu widow whose baptism by the Rev. Mr. Vaughan gave rise to legal proceedings in the Calcutta High Court this summer, and also to letters in the Times and Record, in which the Brahmo Somaj were accused of persecuting the young convert, who was erroneously supposed to have been a near relative of their leader. In a letter to the Spectator of July 2, I explained the groundlessness of this charge. The sequel of the story has just reached England, and is worth telling. I quote from the letter of a Brahmo missionary, Baboo Mohendro Nath Bose, translated by Baboo Keshub Chunder Sen : " Gunesh Soonderi had some misunderstanding with Padre Vaughan, and returned to her house. Two of my friends went to her, to whom she said, crying, 'I shall not go any more to Mr. Vaughan. Will you do something for me ? I never lead faith in Christianity. They held out to me many temptations, and enticed me away. They ask me to go from house to house and teach the ladies, which I cannot do. Mr. Vaughan will not allow me to come away. He will be indignant should he come to know that I have come away, and will not allow me to come out again. He has gone to perform funeral ceremonies somewhere, and I have taken advantage of his absence to run away. If you [Brahmos] do not protect me, I shall despair.' She has 'written a letter to Mr. Vaughan, in which she censures him."

Thus, renouncing her Christianity, and already an outcast from Hinduism, the poor foolish girl is reduced to seek protection from the Brahmos, who will certainly not fail to afford her a safe