We Do Not Like This Telegram At All :—it Is
from the second edition of the Times of Friday, and comes from its own Calcutta correspondent, who probably gives the official version. "A vague panic exists among Europeans and......
Strasburg Is Suffering Fearfully From The Siege, And Even...
roof of the Cathedral has been set on fire, though the fire was promptly extinguished. General Uhrich, who commands the place, is making a thoroughly heroic defence, though it......
It Is Stated Positively By The Strasburg Correspondent Of...
Daily Telegraph that the Bishop of Strasburg, daring his recent unsuccessful attempt to mediate between the besiegers and the besieged, was told authoritatively by the Prussian......
The Lower-class Parisians, Taught For Half A Century To...
France the greatest of military powers, ascribe all defeats to treachery, and display the old temper of 1792. Every foreigner is a spy of Bismarck's, and the faintest suspicion......
There Will Be Very Serious Trouble About The Position Of
the Francs-Tireurs, or French Volunteers. They wear a kindof uniform, and ate acknowledged by the Government ; but the Germans declare that as they have no military officers......
The Most Terrible Mot Yet Uttered About This War Is
one reported by the correspondent who supplies Blackwood with a spirited original description of Forbach "L'Empire c'est la pain; certaine- meat ce ne pas la guerre."......
Suppose France Left Without A Government, Every Man In...
refusing to sign the treaty, how would matters go then ? That form of extreme resistance has never occurred, and like the extreme form of passive resistance, probably never will......
It Is Stated That A Somewhat Bitter Contest Is Raging
in the French Cabinet as to the removal of the seat of Government. The Imperialists, aware that Parisians may insist on surrender, as the citizens are said to have done in......
Nothing Appears To Have Changed In Paris During The Week.
The Ministry is entirely master of the situation, refuses news, and defies the Liberals to call in the people. The National Guard has been armed with muskets, which had been......
A Correspondent Of The Daily Telegraph, Who Is In The
Prince's Camp before Metz, says dysentery is telling heavily there, owing to the German habit—which they will abandon after this war— of camping without tents. He met a French......
The News From The French Provinces Is Very Alarming, For
it seems to show that the rural population are really breaking out into that hysterical state of suspicion and alarm which, as we believe, quite as much as the oppression of the......