There will be very serious trouble about the position of
the Francs-Tireurs, or French Volunteers. They wear a kindof uniform, and ate acknowledged by the Government ; but the Germans declare that as they have no military officers they are only civilians, and shall have no quarter. That is a good rule for the invaded, as it makes volunteers fight- to the death ; but M. de la, Tour d'Anvergne has informed the German Government that if it is carried out, the French will retaliate on the Land wehr, and the war will acquire a new and needless character of bloodthirstiness. The difficulty seems to be chiefly matter of uniform. The present one is too slight ; it could be assumed in a few hours by all peasants, and no army will endure, or should endure, attack by men who do not know the rules of war, and cannot make prisoners. Napo- leon shot guerillas wherever he found them.