MR. TANtiamurru is to be congratulated on his editorship of
Poetry: London. He has made it a magazine for working poets and not for newspaper versifiers, and anyone interested in contemporary poetry should become a subscriber. As well as a fairly full section of criticism and reviews and an extremely beautiful cover design, there are. some very fine illustrations to Quarles's Heiroglyphics by Graham Sutherland ; these are admirably reproduced in colour.
ThE main interest of this periodical, however, is the. poetry. This covers a very wide field of contributors, and is thoroughly repre- sentative; of the poetry is good in its kind, though little is outstandig, except perhaps the series of anonymous odes whose spaciousness and flowing rhythm mark them out; F. T. Prince also contributes a good poem. Dylan Thomas continues to disappoint with poems so loosely written as to defy understanding. This is
pity as he is-one of' the few real poets we have.