Divided France
SIR,— Referring to the review of Hitler Divided France in your issue of August 27th, I suggest that the already perplexed public will have cause here for further confusion. A......
Sta.—Mr. Lewis begins his article on equality with a brilliant statement of the truth which the world must some day discover and accept for its own salvation. Then unaccountably......
British Youth
Sut,—I am at present serving in the Army, and, having achieved nothing, and being condemned to continue, while the war lasts, to achieve nothing, I have had something of a......
Sett,—{an You Find Space To Let Your Readers Know That
in an article of mine on " Equality " which you printed in your issue of August z7th the words " Medicine is not good " are a printer's error? I wrote " Medicine is not......
Sta,—no One Has Admired, Been Amazed By And Disagreed With
C. S. Lewis's scintillating essays on his up to date Fundamen theological views more than myself. In fact I keep his essay - on human and animal pain always at hand to show......