Windsor soup
Sir: I have just read a review of my book Wallis: Secret Lives of the Duchess of Windsor (Books, 16 July).
In the course of that very curious review, Lady Donaldson, referring to the Duchess's close contacts with Ribbentrop, says, 'The evidence against this theory (of collusion) is fairly strong.' She neglects to mention that the evidence for the theory is considerably stronger, and that much of it was contained in a lengthy document sup- plied by the Duchess's friend Mary Raffray to her sister in the United States. Lady Donaldson also neglects to mention that the document was forwarded to her by the family of the late Mary Raffray, and that she then proceeded to lose it. When I asked her, during the writing of my biogra- phy, to supply it, Lady Donaldson confes- sed to having mislaid it.
Charles Higham
4027 Farmouth Drive, Los Angeles, California 90027