3 SEPTEMBER 1988, page 27
Don't Look Now
Today, I have been seeing stairparts. It is best not to look directly at the heavy duty fixers, the two-gang pattresses (japanned and countersunk) or the sinisterly named door......
A Right Good Old Steel-gray Figure
Peter Quennell THE LETTERS OF WILLIAM AND DOROTHY WORDSWORTH, VOLUME VII: THE LATER YEARS, 1840-1853 revised, arranged and edited by Alan G. Hill Clarendon Press, £70, pp. 951......
Who Was Cleopatra's Father?
Juliet Townsend THE CHILDREN'S BRITANNICA: NEW 4th EDITION edited by James Somerville Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc, f249, 20 volumes I t sits modestly in the corner of the......