4 APRIL 1863, Page 21

Better Tinte.s Coming. (Tresidder.)—This is one of those incompre- hensible

books respecting prophecy of which it is absolutely impossible to read much. We freely confess that we have gono no further than the first ten pages; and within that narrow compass we have met with the following statements :—The "last indignation" began A.D. 606, and will end 1866 A.D., leaving thirty years for the preparing of, settling, and establishing the kingdom of the saints on earth. As regards "the time of the end," we learn that it must be "some considerable time, for at the time of the end the King of the South shall push at, or (as I shall read it) elbow the ecclesiastical king, who does according to his will ; and the King of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, which things take some time, for the Holy Spirit speaks not of trifles." Again, "that the time of the end is some considerable time is further evident from what the angel says (Rev. x., 6, 7), who swares (sic) that 'the time should be no longer,'" &T., d:c. Does the reader wonder that we did not go any further?