God's Glory In The Heavens. By William Leitch, D.d. (strahan
and Co.)—The author of this volume, who is Principal of, and Professor at Theology in, the University of Queen's College, Canada, has given us, under a slightly affected title,......
Better Tinte.s Coming. (tresidder.)—this Is One Of Those...
books respecting prophecy of which it is absolutely impossible to read much. We freely confess that we have gono no further than the first ten pages; and within that narrow......
Current Literature.
A Cypress Wreath for Lancashire. By W. Dorring Evans, son., Newport, Monmouthshire. London : Detsmarn and Co.—Among the many tributes to the courage and patience of the......
The Magazines.
BLACKWOOD has two articles this month on the far East ; but though readable they are not of the strong political interest possessed by the first two upon China. "Sensation......