A Memoir of Mrs. Augustus Craven (Pauline de la Ferronays), with Extracts from her Diaries and Correspondence. By Marie Catherine Bishop. Third Edition, in 1 vol. (Richard Bentley and Son.)—This is not only a new but a cheap and abbreviated edition of Mrs. Bishop's admirable life of Mrs. Augustus Craven. It brings one of the most interesting biographies of recent years well within the means of ordinary middle-class people, and, while it is in some respects shortened, nothing, we believe, is left out that really affects the value of one of the most interesting of all portraits of a noble inner life. We believe that nothing of any significance has been omitted from the story of Mrs. Craven's last years, from her husband's death to her own long illness,—a story which Mrs. Bishop has told with the greatest vividness and the most delicate and refined judgment. We can hardly conceive a book that would touch its readers more profoundly, by its skilful picture of the courage as well as of the faith of a true Christian, though also a true Roman Catholic, in days when it needed courage to face and resist the intellectual scorn of an incredulous and yet a highly scientific age.