The Latest Intelligence From South Africa, Published On...
and extending to April 2nd, is more favourable as to the chance of suppressing the Matabele revolt. Its general drift is that Buluwayo is safe, that all South Africa has woke......
We Have Space Only To Mention A Few Principal Features
of Sir John Gorses measure. He gave the most convincing evidence that in the poorer country Board-schools the instruction is very inadequate and that the teachers are very......
Sir John Gorst Introduced The Education Bill Of The...
on Tuesday afternoon in a very able speech, of which the introductory part, before he got to his account of the new measure, was singularly interesting. He told the House that......
News Of The Week.
A S we expected, the Matabele revolt proves to be a serious affair. The whole tribe would appear to be in arms, headed by seven hundred black policemen, who were levied and......
Mr. Acland's Criticism Was More Or Less Held In Reserve,
though he spoke of the measure as a great upheaval of the existing system, and expressed very frankly his dislike to what he called the virtual abolition of the Cowper-Temple......
Notice To Advertisers.
With the " SPECTATOR " of Saturday, Apra 25th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......