4 APRIL 1908, Page 1

A disagreeable incident has occupied the attention of Berlin daring

the week, it having been more or less openly made known that the German Emperor would like to withdraw the approval he had already given to the appointment of Dr. Hill as American Ambassador in succession to Mr. Tower. An official statement published in Washington explains that an exaggerated importance was attached to "remarks made in casual conversation," and that there has been no misunder- standing between the two Governments. The outcome of the matter is that Dr. Hill is to be received at Berlin as though nothing had happened. But the official explanations in both Berlin and Washington only confirm the belief that the Emperor did express a desire for a man who had a great fortune, and who could add lustre to the German capital by, in a word, making a "splash." Such is the plain meaning of the circumlocutions that Dr. Hill might "not feel comfort- able" in Berlin, and that his want of means "might impair American prestige." The National Zeitung remarks that the incident is likely to give Berlin a reputation for a hateful love of ostentation, and goes on :—" Are we then to give the other Pawers to understand that it is no longer necessary for them,

as in Bismarck's time, to send their best men to Berlin, but that all that is required of the representatives they send is that their purses shall be long enough ? May a kindly fate preserve us from seeing Berlin become the happy hunting ground of diplomatists who owe their position less to their abilities than to their riches."