A Disagreeable Incident Has Occupied The Attention Of...
the week, it having been more or less openly made known that the German Emperor would like to withdraw the approval he had already given to the appointment of Dr. Hill as......
In The Lords On Monday The Bishop Of St. Asaph
moved the second reading of his Bill to amend the Acts relating to education in England and Wales. The Bill, which enacts that no public elementary school be maintained out of......
The Bishop Of Birmingham, We Regret To Say, Opposed The
Bill, but Lord Crewe, on behalf of the Government, acknowledged the moderation shown by the Bishop and the Archbishop, recognised in the Bill an honest attempt to arrive at a......
News Of The Week.
T HE announcement of the issue of new German loans, both Imperial and Prussian, is the most surprising foreign news of the week. It had been foreseen that more money must be......
The Times Of Monday Publishes From Its New York...
some impressions received from a conver- sation with Mr. Roosevelt. Mr. Roosevelt has the grati- fication of seeing the three candidates for his succession in the Presidency all......