The Times of Monday publishes from its New York correspondent
some impressions received from a conver- sation with Mr. Roosevelt. Mr. Roosevelt has the grati- fication of seeing the three candidates for his succession in the Presidency all preaching his policies, and even the leader of the opposition, Mr. Williams, has announced that some of the measures proposed in the last Presidential Message are so important that be is ready to drop partisan- ship and help to carry them through for the good of the country. Speaking chiefly of his railway policy, Mr. Roosevelt remarked that nearly all of it had been adopted in principle in England more than half-a-century ago. The collision of railway interests had become so violent that it was necessary to remember in a practical way that the railway service was national in character. He fully agreed with the British Report of 1884 that any general interference by the Govern- ment with the working of the railways was dangerous, but he also agreed with the Report that the service "should henceforward be subjected to an habitual and effective super. vision on the part of the Government." Hitherto American railways had been pretty much a law unto themselves. The functions of the British Board of Trade were more far-reach- ing than those of the Inter-State Commerce Commission, even should all the proposed legislation be passed. Mr. Roosevelt's "policies" are so transparently disinterested and patriotic that we do not wonder that the better sense of the whole nation is rallying to them. The present situation is a personal triumph for him such as has been enjoyed by few men in high positions.