The Bishop of Birmingham, we regret to say, opposed the
Bill, but Lord Crewe, on behalf of the Government, acknowledged the moderation shown by the Bishop and the Archbishop, recognised in the Bill an honest attempt to arrive at a settlement, and held that the House would do well to read it a second time, while maintaining that the Government measure should be the basis for discussion on the question. Lord Lansdowne, who followed, announced his intention to move the adjournment of the debate on the ground that the Bill stopped far short of the comprouiise which would commend itself to those on his side of the House. He complained of its ambiguities and of serious omissions, which were of great importance and which they would like to see explained. They also had a right to know what parts of the Bill the Govern- ment were prepared to adopt. After a short speech from Lord Rosebeiy, who regarded the Bill as an immense step forward, and drew hopeful auguries from the Archbishop's "brave and noble speech," the debate was adjourned. We have dealt with the question elsewhere, and will only say here that a very heavy responsibility will rest on those who reject the compromise which has been brought within the horizon of practical politics by the Bishop of St. Asaph's proposals.