4 APRIL 1908, Page 25

NEW Enrrioxs. — The Problem of the Old Testament. By James Orr,

D.D. (J. Nisbet and Co. 2s. 6d.)—This book, containing the "Bros Lecture," an American foundation, first appeared in 1905, and has reached a fourth edition.—The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers from Seeds and Roots. By Sutton and Sons. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. 5s. net.)—The Clifton Park System of Farming. By Robert H. Elliot. (Same publishers. 8s. 6d. nat.)—"The object of this book is to enable the agriculturist, through economy of production, not only to meet the keen foreign competition of the present day, but at the same time to increase the fertility of the soil—not by the application of purchased manures—but by the production upon the land of a thick turf sufficient in itself to afford all the manure required for the yield of large and profitable cereal and root crops, at the smallest cost."