The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Edited by W. G. Boswell-Stone.
"The Old Spelling Shakespeare." (Chatto and Windus. 2s. 6d. net.)—This is an instalment of an undertaking to be carried on under the joint editorship of Dr. Furnivall and Mr. Boswell- Stone. The text is that of the First Folio ; emendations and insertions are marked in black type, and words which have now a different stress are marked so as to indicate the former accent. As to the "old spelling," we welcome it in such a case as this. When one knows the book or play to begin with, it is interesting and instructive to see it in a new form. But if one has to make acquaintance with a book, then let it be spelt and punctuated in the latest modern fashion. An "old spelling" Shakespeare, then, has ample justification. Here is a specimen :— " As the most forward Bud IS eaten by the Canker, ere it blow, Euen so by Lone. the yong and tender wit Is turn'd to folly; blasting in the Bud, Loosing his verdure, euen in the prime, And all the faire effects of future hopes. But wherefore waste I time to counsaile thee, That art a votary to fond desire?"