4 APRIL 1925, Page 31


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sm,—Ilaving read with great interest your article on " Men and Mansions," in the Spectator for January 24th last, in which you emphasize the fact that " no notable English country house ought to be allowed to be pulled down or to fall in ruins," it has occurred to me that the Spectator might care to draw attention to the pitiful destruction now menacing Braman Hall, the finest half-timbered house in England. Is it too late to hope that, if no private purchaser is forthcoming, some movement might be started like that recently put in hand at Norwich for saving the " Samson and Hercules Mouse for use by the Y.W.C.A. ?--I am, Sir, &c.,


Alma Cottage, High Street, Rickmansworth.