This Week's Books
THERE is not much worthy of notice among this week's publications. Dr. Ivor B. Hart has written a treatise on The Mechanical Investigations of Leonardo da Vinci (Chapman and......
News Of The Third Competition
The Editor has offered a prize of t5 for an Epitaph in Advance upm Henry Ford, Jack Hobbs, or Professor Albert Einstein. The award will be announced in next .reek's SPECTATOR.......
Mr. Bertrand Russell In What I Believe (kegan Paul) Has
obviously written rather unmethodically and hastily. He asserts his freedom from religious errors, his disbelief in God or immortality. " I believe," his creed begins, " that......
The Shakespeare Head Press Send Us Two Beautiful...
Nimphidia and The Nut-Brown Maid. The Complete Poems of Emily Dickenson are published by Mr. Martin Seeker. •......
A Book Of The Moment
INTELLIGENCE TESTS FOR CHIMPANZEES The Mentality of Apes. By Professor Wolfgang Kohler. (Kegan Paul. 16e. net.) ME chimpanzees which Professor W. Kohler had under observation at......