4 APRIL 1931, Page 3

Miss Margaret McMillan A mysticism as intense and fiery as

Miss Margaret McMillan's is rare ; still rarer is the power she had of harnessing it to the public weal. She died last week, after giving her whole life to the service of children. Forty years ago, from Labour platforms in the North, she began to impart something of what she felt for the children to the textile operatives—audiences even more difficult then than now for a woman to impress. But she was more than a missionary. Coming South, she flung herself into educa- tional and welfare work. With unflagging energy she and her sister founded the clinic at Deptford which developed into the now famous Rachel McMillan College. There must be many people to-day who owed all their happiness as children, and who now owe perhaps all that is best in their outlook, to Miss Margaret McMillan.