Preservation Of Timber.
The largest and handsomest trees in the North Riding of YorIcshire stand in the garden of the Hinderwell Vicarage. The North Riding County Council intend to cut down most of......
Points From Letters
ONIONS FOR DIABETES. I have just seen the paragraph in your issue of March 7th, about diabetes and insulin. I have had this complaint for over ten years, and for nearly a year......
Unsightly Tombstones.
It is to be hoped that the General Council for the Preserva- tion of Churchyards, organized by the Church Assembly, will do something to prevent the erection of unsightly......
Oral Telegraph.
It is proposed, by means of a small tube throughout the length of the Liverpool and Manchester railway, to convey information as quickly as in conversation. The length of the......
A Noise Abatement Society.
New York has a successful Noise Abatement Committee. Paris is taking drastic steps - to reduce noise. Sooner or lathe Britain too will be driven to action. Following the......
" Scottish Place-names " [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
SIR,—Perhaps you will be gocd enough to allow me sufficient space to state briefly what I feel to be a grievance. I appreciate your reviewer's opinion of my Scottish Place-......
Here In The Candlelight
HERE in the candlelight and the silver's little gleam, While the last leaves fall without, as dead hopes might fall, I think of the slender, shining stream Poured by the priests......
"the Canadia_n Boat Song."
Apropos to the question asked on page 460 of the Spectator for March 21st, for the author of "The Canadian Boat Song." I have an old book of bound songs which belonged to my......
Eves Or War.
One of the Paris papers calla upon the French Government to stop the further progress of the Austrians in Italy, on the irresistible ground that " the Austrians have already......
Cdelsrjk Old Cnurtmt.
Is it possible for you, in your kindness, to allow me to tell readers of the Spectator of a danger that now threatens one of the most famous of the ancient parish churches of......
A Hundred Years Ago
THE " SPECTATOR," APRIL 2ND, 1831. SUNDAY POLITICAL LECTURES. By the statute of 21 Geo ILL chap. 49, any place opened for public debate, on any subject whatsoever, upon Sunday,......
- A new Magazine, named the Englishman's, has made its appear- ance this month. We are afraid the day for Magazines is gone by : it is a fornt of publication which does not suit......