The Grand National The Grand National was run last week
in a cloud of dust : a tribute not often paid to the going at Aintree in March. Mr: C. R. Taylor's ' Grakle ' won a memorable race in " record " time from Gregalaeh,' with Annan- dale,' a dogged outsider, third. Twelve finished out of a field of forty-three. The ideal conditions made sheer had luck a less effective hazard than usual ,on that formidable course. The attendance was larger than ever, and we fancy, more cosmopolitan ; but it will be a long time before it is larger than the event. deserves. Of the more spectacular' interludes in the English scene the Crand 'National, under such conditions as those of March 27th,- is easily the Most attractive. The Travel Association Of Great Britain and Ireland have done well to give it a prominent place in a film designed to attract visitors.