Sayonara, boyo
I WONDER why the Department of Trade and Industry has left Nissan off its hit-list. Here is a Japanese company which the Department has in fact encouraged, at the public expense, to set up in this country, outside Sunderland, and make volume cars. We already had four manufacturers of volume cars in this country, where the domestic market has for the last 20 years been unable to supprt them all. What, I wonder, would be the chance of Rover Group being encouraged to set up a Japanese plant and bring employment to Hokkaido? Thank you, Nissan, your li- cence will not be renewed, just leave the machinery behind you. . . . Of course the crossed wires over Cable & Wireless are not Nissan's fault, but they are not Nomura Securities' fault, or the Daiwa Bank's fault, either. The chairman of one of Wales's thriving big companies was complaining to me how much more easily he could get Government backing if his company came, not from Wales, but from somewhere far way, like Yokohama. The head of the Welsh Development Agency (he says) speaks Japanese, but not Welsh.