Chomsky's Views
Sir: May I be permitted to offer two factual comments on Charles Glass's article headed 'Senseless censors'? 1. He refers to Chomsky as having been `asked' by George Theiner,......
Sir: Ironical That The Issue Of The Spectator Containing...
Glass's account of the attacks on Index on Censorship for pub- lishing Noam Chomsky (`Senseless cen- sors', 21 March) should follow that in which Paul Johnson, in his habitual......
More Up And Down
Sir: Does Taki phone it in? Hemingway didn't describe Switzerland as 'more upside down than sideways' (High life, 21 March)• The reference is an article Hemingway wrote for the......
Miss Hammond
Sir: I was deeply shocked by the scurrilous attack on Miss Celia Hammond in Alan Watkins's Diary in the Spectator of 14 March. In fact I immediately cancelled my subscription to......
Fishy Etymology
Sir: Mr J. G. Dudley (Letters, 31 January) complains that Auberon Waugh has used a word with which he, J. G. Dudley, is unfamiliar. The word, `pilgering', comes from the word......