" Francis Bacon, his Life and Character," by Mr. Hepworth Dixon ; and "The United Netherlands, from the Death of William the Silent to the Death of Olden Bamcveld," by Mr. John Lothrop Motley, are an- nounced as forthcoming by Mr. Murray.
"The Autobiography of Mary Granville, afterwards Mrs. Delany, attached to the Court of her Majesty Queen Charlotte, and her corre- spondence with the most distinguished personages of her time," edited by the Right Honourable Lady Llanover, is preparing by Mr. Bentley.
The same publisher has in the press "The History of Rome, from the earliest time to the Period of its Decline," by Dr. Mommsen, translated by the- Reverend E. S. Davies, with an introduction by Dr. Schmitz ; and "The Greatest of the Plantagenets : an Historical Memoir," by Edmund Clifford, Esq.
Messrs. Longman and Co. promise "Lectures on the History of the Fine and Ornamental Arts," by Mr. Wm. B. Scott; "The Development of Christian Architecture in Italy between the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries," by Mr. W. Sebastian Okeley, MA.; and " Dmdalus, or the Causes and Principles of the excellence of Greek Sculpture," by Mr. Falkencr.
"Sketches of early Scotch History," by Cosmo lanes; "A Century of Despotism in Naples and Sicily, 1769-1859," by Mr. S. Homier; and a "Memoir of George Wilson, M.D," are announced as forthcoming by Messrs. Edmonston and Douglas, Edinburgh.
Messrs. Rivington and Co., have in the press a "Second Series of Parochial Sermons," by the Reverend G. Bellett, M.A. ; a volume of "Sermons," by the Reverend John Kirkman Miller, M.A. ; and "Some Account of the Church of Christ during the first Three Centuries, as illustrated from the Writings of Eusebius," by Dr. John Kaye.
"The Life and Letters of John Angell James, including an unfinished autobiography," edited by It. W. Dale, M.A., Mr. James' pulpit suc- cessor, are announced as forthcoming by Messrs. Nisbet and Co. ; and Messrs. Dean and Son promise "Women of the Reformation : their Lives, Faith, and Trials," by Ellen C. Clayton.
A collection of "Ancient Danish Ballads," translated from the origi- nals, with notes and an introduction, by R. C. Alexander Prior, M.D., is preparing for publication by Messrs. Williams and Norgate.
Messrs. Routledge and Co. are preparing for the press several new works of fiction. Among them are "Sunshine and Clouds in the Morn- ing of Life," by Miss Ann Bowman ; "The Unloved One," by Mrs. Holland; and "Odd People," by Captain Mayne Reid.
Messrs. Michel Levy, freres, Paris, have brought out " Commentaires d'un Soldat, episodes des Guerres de Crimea et d'Italie," by Paul de Mo- ieties. The author, now Adjutant to Marshal Canrobert, was formerly a literary man, and fertile dramatic writer.
An " Histoire de la Conquete et de la Colonisation de PAlgerie, depuis 1830, jusqu'l 1860," by M. Achille Fillias, has been published by Messrs. Arnauld and Co., Paris.
Under the title "Voyage Comique et Orpheonique des trois mile Francais e. Londres," M. Benjamin Gasteau has brought out, through Dentu, Paris, a humouristic description of the late Orpheonist Festival at the Crystal Palace.
A fresh contribution to the biography of Wronger, from the pen of M. Paul do Lascaux, has been published by Messrs. Amyot and Co., Paris, under the title "Ala Memoire de Wronger."
The well-known French feuilletonist, who writes under the nom de plume of Viscountess Dosch, has brought out, through Didier and Co., Paris, a "Livre des Femmes," being a sort of sequel to Professor Michelet's "L'Amour," and "La Femme."
Count Montalembert's "Lea Moines d'Occident," in two volumes, has appeared this week at Paris. Simultaneously a German translation, re- vised by the author, has been published by M. Manz, Regensburg.
A new volume of travels in the interior of Africa, by Dr. Ferdinand Weme, has been brought out by H. W. Becks, Stuttgart, under the title, "Beitriige zur Kunde des Innern von Africa : die Viilker Ost Sudan's."
A " Territorial-Geschichte des Brandenburgisch Preussischen Staates," (Territorial History of the Kingdom of Brandenburg-Prussia,) by Pro- fessor W.,. Fix, has been published by Beringer, Berlin.
The fourth volume of Dr. K. J. Hefell's elaborate " Con- eiliengeschichte," (History of Councils) has just been brought out by Herder and Co., Freiburg.
" Kostiimkunde : Geschichte der Tracht, des Banes, mid des Geriithes der Volker des Alterthum's," (History of the Dress, the Architecture, and the Furniture of the Ancient Nations), by M. Hermann Weiss, is the title of a work published by Ebner, Stuttgart.
C. Kaiser, Munich, has published an important work in natural his- tory, "Die Alpen Pflanzen Deutschland's und der Schweiz," (The Al- pine Plants of Germany and Switzerland") in three volumes, by Dr. S. C. Weber.
With the 1st of September, a new daily conservative paper, entitled Bee Vaterland, is to appear at Vienna. One of the most experience4 journalists of Germany, Dr. Keipp, present editor of the Berlin Revue( and the Pram:ladies Volksblatt, has been engaged as conductor.