4 AUGUST 1860, page 7

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PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OP THE WEEK. Hansa OF Loses. Monday, July 30. Lord Normanby's Motion for Papers on Rome—Coast of Africa, &c., Bill, passed Committee and reported—Crown Debts......


The following detail, showing the total estimated cost of the several new works proposed to be executed, the sum proposed to be taken for each station for the period between the......


The Queen, Prince Consort, and the Royal Family will take their departure to Balmoral on Monday next, via Great Northern Railway. A deputation from Leeds, consisting of Mr. W.......

(at Cuurt. On Saturday, The Royal Family Steamed Round The

Isle of Wight in the_yacht Fairy. The Queen, Prince Consort, and:the Royal Family walked out on Mon- day. Viscount and Viscountess Palmerston returned to town today from a visit......