The Queen, Prince Consort, and the Royal Family will take their departure to Balmoral on Monday next, via Great Northern Railway.
A deputation from Leeds, consisting of Mr. W. Beckett, Mr. Edward Baines, 31.P., Mr. G. S. Beecroft, M.P., Sir Peter Fairbairn, and Mr. Pickering, Secretary of the Leeds Mechanics' Institution and Literary Society, had an interview with Lord Palmerston on Monday, to invite his Lordship to preside at a soiree of the above institution in October next. Lord Palmerston accepted the invitation.
The members of the United Service Club gave a banquet last night as a tribute of respect to Lord Clyde, and the attendance of officers was very numerous. Lord Clyde, accompanied by his late military secretary, Colonel Sir A. Sterling, arrived at eight o'clock. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, attended by his Aide-de-Camp, Colonel Tyr- whitt, came shortly afterwards. The dinner having been finished, his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, who presided, proposed "The health of the Queen," and afterwards "The Prince Consort, the Prince of Wales, and the rest of the Royal Family." These loyal toasts Iniving been duly- honoured, the Duke of Cambridge gave, "The Army Ind Navy." General Sir William Gomm, G.C.B., replied on behalf of tiir Army, and Admiral Sir Thomas Cochrane, G.C.B., responded for the Navy. The Royal Chairman next proposed, in eloquent and glowing terms, the health of the guest of the evening, Lord Clyde. The toast was rapturously applauded, the band striking up the well known "See the Conquering Hero comes." General Lord Clyde, who for some mo- ments appeared to be overcome by his feelings, ultimately replied in a suitable address, and proposed "The health of his Royal Highness the General Commander-in-chief," their gallant chairman. His Royal High- ness briefly replied in acknowledgment to the toast. The party broke up at half-past eleven.
Lord Clyde was entertained at dinner, on Wednesday, by the Fish- mongers' Company : responding to the toast of his health, he made a soldier-like speech, modestly expressed as to himself, and generously to the merits of the Governor-General:—
" Being totally unaccustomed to the making of speeches, I trust you will pardon me for any omission or deficiency that may occur on my part. It appears to me, and I feel it to be of great value, that entertainments like the present form an important part of the reward which public servants receive from their fellow-countrymen when they return from their services abroad. They are proud of such distinctions, and no one more proud of them than myself. I have received many honours, conferred in the most gracious manner by her Majesty, honours which were fur beyond my merits, and far beyond anything which I ever dreamt of receiving. The kind reception I have met with today from my countrymen in this hall—men holding a high position in the metropolis—convinces me that they do not think me altogether unworthy of the honours which her Majesty has be- stowed. You speak of soldiers, Mr. Prime Warden. I have been fifty years a soldier, and I can tell you that the men of England, Ireland, and Scotland have not deteriorated ; I say it boldly, that they are as obedient soldiers, when properly officered, as ever served in the British army. The Prime Warden has been pleased to pay some handsome compliments respect- ing the late war in India, but I must say that to one man above all does England owe a great debt of gratitude, and that man is the present Governor-General. Lord Canning, throughout the whole trying period of the war, was brave, cool, and self-possessed, exhibiting all the qualities of a great administrator. I had the honour of maintaining intimate rela- tions with his lordship during the whole of the three years I remained in India, and I believe that it was the support which his firmness of character gave me that enabled me to fulfil the expectations which my countrymen had entertained of my mission. Therefore, whilst receiving with gratitude the compliment which is now paid me, I think it only right that Englishmen should know the merits of the great, and I may say gifted man, whose prudence and calmness in difficulty, whose never disturbed self- possession exercised so powerful an influence on the suppression of the mutiny."
Vice-Chancellor Wood on Wednesday, was asked to restrain by injunction Mr. Benjamin Coleman from printing, publishing, Eze., a pamphlet called "A Reply to the Proceedings of a Meeting held at West Hartlepool onthe 28th of June, 1860, addressed to the Share and Debenture Holders of the West Hartlepool Harbour and Railway Compaq," who were defendants at Mr. Coleman's suit. His Honour said—" That both sides appeared to have conducted the litigation in a perfectly childlish and foolish manner." "He had no hesitation in granting the injunction. If publications of this kind were allowed, a false species of excitement would be fostered, the wit- nesses would be prejudiced by circulars and ex-parte statements of portions of the proceedings, which he thought would prejudice his opponent." An order was made to restrain Mr. Coleman publishing passages between pages 20 and 24 of his pamphlet, but he was relieved from costs, in consequence of the provocation he had received.
On Saturday, the Lords Justices decided the appeal in ex parte Bartleman and others, arising out of the Northumberland and Durham District Bank, refusing to allow a compromise uith thirty-five shareholders by the liqui- dators, in discharge of all liability founded upon a statement of the affairs of each of the thirty-five, submitted to the liquidators, but not disclosed to the other shareholders.
Jose Concha, a native of Chili, went to Peru with a Chilian army, where he remained until 1853, and acquired a largo fortune which he is said to have transmitted to England, whither he himself also arrived, and made a will. After a while he went for a short time to Paris, but expressed a de- sire to acquire property here, and a wish also for naturalization, which ho did not carry out. Dying, the question arose where was his domicile. Had he abandoned Chili and Peru, and adopted England or France, and if so which ? Sir Cromwell Cromwell decided this complicated question ; that he had acquired a domicile here, and pronounced for the will left by the Chili= testator.
The "glorious uncertainty of the law" and its attendant certainty of coats, received a singular confirmation in the Insolvent Court on Saturday Curtis had a cart stolen, and the police arrested Caroplin, against whom no proof of crime was found. Camplin brought an action for. false im- prisonment against Curtis who defended successfully; Camphn applied to the Insolvent Court for protection against the costs of Curtis. Curtis op- posed successfully, but having to pay his own costs was obliged himself to come and ask for a final order. Camplin seeing his opportunity, again applied, and the Commissioner on Saturday granted both applications. The loss of the cart has, therefore, commercially ruined both the accused and accuser.
At the Middlesex Sessions on Monday, the appeal of John Goppin, against a conviction by Mr. Corrie, for an offence against an act relating to the com- binations of workmen was heard before a bench of magistrates. The ap- pellant, John Goppin, was in the employment of Mr. Anley, builder and joiner, in Whitecross Street, and he, with about thirty others, "struck against two men in the same employment, who were working under the "declaration" or " document,"—ternis which have become very familiar through the late strike in the building trade. The employer would not sub- mit to what he considered dictation, and the men, as threatened in a paper sent to him, left his service because he refused to discharge the two men working under the declaration whom he retained in his employ. Goppin was the one who handed in the paper, which was signed by the others. Mr. Anley was very loth to part with his men, who were very respectable and skilled workmen, and he gave them time to reconsider ; but they were in- flexible in their determination, and so was he in his. Being a member of the Association of Master Builders he brought the case before the executive committee, and it was resolveci proceed against Goppin, and the result was that the magistrate befo mita the ease was heard, upon the evidence that was adduced before h. -cted, and sentenced the appellant to a
month's imprisonment Act not giving the option of a fine. The only question raised on this appeal was not whether, in fact, but in the strict con- struction of the clause under which the conviction was made (6th of George IV., cap, 129, sect. 3), the appellant had made "a threat." The witnesses having been examined at considerable length, Mr. Metcalfe proceeded to adarress the bench, contending that, according to the true meaning of the Clause, the appellant had made no "threat," and that the men had a right to say that they would not work with others, who, for valid reasons, they considered objectionable persons. That, the learned counsel contended, was not in the nature of a threat "to limit the description of number of work- men," &c., as contemplated by the statute. The Court held the conviction to be good, and confirmed it, with costs against the appellant, who was then ordered to be sent to the House of Correction, in the terms of the conviction, for one month.
On Tuesday, John Godfrey Youngman, who described himself as a ser- vant. was brought up in the custody of Mr. Dann, an inspector of the P division, and placed at the bar of Lambeth Police Court before Mr. Elliott, charged with the wilful murder of Elizabeth Youngman (his mother), aged forty-six ; Thomas Youngman, aged eleven ; Rayson Youngman, aged six (his brothers) ; and Mary. Walls Streeter La young woman to whom he was paying his addresses, at No. 16, Manor Place, Walworth. Mr. Inspector Dann went to the place on Tuesday morning and found the prisoner stand- ing on the landing in his night shirt, with three dead bodies beside him ; 1 another was found in a room lying on a bed. Without being asked a ques - lion, Youngman said, "This is my mother's doing. She came to the bed- side where my brother and I were sleeping. She killed him with a knife and made a stab at me. In my own defence, I wrenched the knife from her hand and killed her, if she is dead." The bodies were still warm when found. They were all in their nightdresses and on the floor of the landing. There was a great deal of blood. The bedclothes both in the front and back rooms had a quantity of blood upon them. The clothes in the front room were very much saturated with blood. There was coagulated blood on the counterpane that had soaked through to the blankets and the bed. The under sheet in the back room was slightly stained with blood, as if blood had been wiped off the hands of some person. The bed in which the boy was lying was in the front room. His feet were turned towards the head of the bed, and his head towards the foot of it. The boy was lying on his back with his head towards the stairs. The young woman was lying on her right side with her head inside the door of the back room, and her feet towards the door of the front room. The other body, which was that of the prison- er's mother, was lying on her stomach. Her feet were inside the front room door, and her head towards the door of the back room, partly lying on the young woman. In conversations with other witnesses, Youngman alleged his mother killed his sweetheart and two brothers, and then attempted to kill him, and that in self-defence he killed her. He was remanded for further examination.
Mr. Thomas Summers of Cheltenham, a customer of William Francis and Co., leather merchants in Bermondsey, intrusted to them for purposes of discount two tills of exchange, value 522/. 12s. Francis and Co. got the bills discounted, but instead of remitting the proceeds to Mr. Summers, they were induced, by the pressure of their own affairs, to send him an accept- ance for 5001. of Hooper and Parkinson describing it as a first-rate bill. Both houses are in the leather trade, and have since stopped payment. Mr. Summers made his complaint at the Southwark Police Court on Saturday, and Mr. James Hooper was committed for trial ; bail was accepted.
Mary Allen was committed for trial on Thursday for cruelly and dis- gustingly ill-treating Carolina Lefevre, eight years of age, entrusted to her care and protection. The -evidence is totally unfit for publication ; it al- most surpasses belief.
On Tuesday morning an accident occurred on the Blackwell Railway near the Hayden Square junction. A long train, which had brought up several carriages for City excursion traffic, after leaving Stepney junction, pro- ceeded towards the City at the usual speed ; but the engine left the rails and took a slanting course towards a good siding, turned sharply round across the up and down line, and then rolled over on its side. Two carriages in- stantly mounted upon the prostrate locomotive, the remainder were crushed. There were between 300 and 400 passengers, whose escape was marvel- lous, as also the escape of other trains which had passed the spot only a minute before with more than a thousand passengers. The Blackwell and North London Railway officials mutually blame each other for the accident.
"S. G. 0." analyzes the accounts of the Playground and Recreation Society in the Times of Monday. Up to the end of 1859 the income was 1018/. 15s. ; expenses, 11041. 18s. 10d. ,• balance due to some one, 1081. 16s. 6d. But in 18a8, out of the expenses, 233/. 13s. 7d. was spent on a dinner at the London Tavern ; and in 18.59, 165/. 10s. 2d. for another at the Free- masons' Tavern. S. G. 0. calls upon the public not "to pay its debts."
St. George's-in- the-East was favoured with the presence of a new but temporary incumbent on Sunday, the Reverend Mr. Hansard. He was coughed at because he preached in his surplice - in the evening, he donned a black gown, and the discriminating Protestantism of the mob was satisfied. The opposition to the horse ride in Kensington Garden increases. Ken- sington Chelsea, Paddington, and Ifarylebone, have all held meetings and adopted petitions to her Majesty. Archdeacon Sinclair and Mr. Recorder Gurney have publicly taken part in the discussions.