THE haze is lifting in Bulgaria, and displays the Russians in a most dangerous position. The Grand Duke is making the mistake made in Armenia,—using regiments like shells to fling at Turks in entrenched positions. That succeeded in Suwaroff's time, because the advancing masses were resisted by men armed only with muskets, but in the presence of modern breech-loaders it involves losses under which even Russians quail. On the 23rd, it will be remembered, Osman Pasha, advancing from Widdin with 40,000 men, drove Baron Krudener, with heavy loss, from Plevna, and occupied and entrenched himself on three low ridges above the town. On July 29, Prince Schackaskoi received orders to carry the position with 32,000 men and 160 guns, and on the morning of the 31st commenced the attempt. A heavy but comparatively useless artillery fire was poured upon the Turks, and then at 2.30 the Russian infantry were thrown forward. They fought with the most -enduring courage, dying in heaps when checked by the enemy's fire; but they could make no way against the Martini-Henry rifle, and were compelled to retreat, followed by the 'lurks, who, in the defence and the final rush, are believed to have killed and wounded at least 12,000 men. The effect of that is, of course, to render the whole 32,000 men employed useless for a time, as even Russians, once defgated in this style, become demoralised, until their self-confidence has been restored by a victory.