Peace Is Concluded Between Egypt And Abyssinia, On Terms...
make the miserable war between the Khedive and King John a drawn battle. The old frontiers are to be restored, and the Bogos country will be given to Egypt ; and on the other......
There Has Been Much Criticism In The House Of Commons
and out of it of Lord Salisbury's action in regard to the Metropolitan Streets Bill. A new street running from Charing Cross to Tot- tenham Court Road is much wanted for the......
A Portion Of The Public Are Showing, In Regard To
the charges against the three detectives, much the same kind of interest as was shown in the Balham Case. They are writing a 'multitude -of letters to Sir James Ingham, the......
The First Effect Of The New Warrant, Published A Week
ago, regulating promotion and retirement in the Army, is visible in the Supplementary Estimates, where £60,000 figure as the first instalment of expenditure due to the proposed......
John Frost, The Chartist, Has Died, At The Age Of
ninety-six. The newspapers have felt themselves obliged to notice his death, and write about him ; but there is a general impression that the hero of the Newport riot, whose......
We Publish Elsewhere What Seems To Us A Severely Impartial
analysis of the evidence upon which the charges of " atrocities " against Turks and Russians rest, and it shows as, we think, con- clusively that as yet English evidence from......
The Seat For Great Grimsby, Vacant By The Decease Of
Mr. Chapman, has been carried by Mr. Watkin, son of Sir E. Watkin, the Railway Chairman. Mr. Watkin, though a Liberal, defeated Mr. Seddon, the Conservative candidate, by 1,699......
The Bishop Of Manchester Said At Warrington On Thursday That
out of 750 clergymen in his diocese, not five were extreme Ritualists, and intimated that although he would enforce the Public Worship Act where it was his clear duty to do so,......