[TO THE EDITOR OF Tan "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Pray permit me to correct two misprints in my letter which you were good enough to publish last week :—For "Bd- elarch" read "Bedard," and for "107 dogs" read "17 dogs." The latter, with some pigeons and guinea-pigs, are all whose deaths are summarised in M. Bernard's table as baked to death in his stove, depicted p. 347 of his " Lecona." There is, however, p. 363 of the same work another illustration of another and larger stove, which he told his class (p. 362) "Va servir 4 nos nouvelles experiences." God knows how many hapless brutes have by this time been destroyed in it, in unutterable agony.—I am, Sir, &c.,
F. P. C.