4 AUGUST 1894, Page 1


AFORMAL declaration of war on China has at last been made by Japan (probably on July 31st, but the tele- grams leave doubt as to the exact date). To this the Emperor of China has replied by an edict, in which be accepts the war "thrust upon him," and orders his Viceroys and Generals to "rout these pestilent Japanese out of their lairs." As far as can be ascertained, the acts of war previously committed were as follows :—On the morning of July 25th there was a naval skirmish off Asan between two Chinese cruisers escorting transports, and three Japanese cruisers. No great damage was done to the ships of war, but the transport 'Kow Shing' was sunk as described below. Before the 'Kow Shing' was destroyed, the Chinese suc- ceeded in landing five thousand troops at Asan, and these thereupon entrenched themselves. It is said that this force