The Central Organisation Of The Conservative Party In...
reissued a sort of political catechism for use among its members. This document shows how bitter is the feud between them and the Emperor and his Minister, and tow far the party......
At A Meeting Of The Church Education And Voluntary Schools
Union, which was held yesterday week at St. Martin's crown Hall, Charing Cross, under the presidency of Sir Richard Webster, Q.C., Lord Selborne delivered a very im- pressive......
Sir William Harcourt Received An Ovation On His Success In
passing a democratic Budget on Wednesday night at the HUtel Mdtropole. One hundred and sixty-three Liberal Members attended the function. Mr. Jacob Bright took the chair, and......
We Sincerely Regret To Record The Death On Monday, At
Oxford, of Mr. Walter Pater, the author of "Marius," as well as several other books of great distinction, written in very luminous and melodious English, and of ten with no......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.
New Consols (21) were on Friday, 1011-4......
A Leaflet Just Issued From The "conservative Central...
down "the Conservative policy of the future," by ex- tracts from the speeches of the leaders of the party, deserves special attention. The first domestic item in the list is the......
M. Stambouloff Has Replied To Prince Ferdina Id Through The
medium of the Constantinople correspondent of the Berliner Tageblatt. The real cause of his resignation, says M. Stambouloff, is a secret between Prince Ferdinand and himself.......