A leaflet just issued from the "Conservative Central Office," laying
down "the Conservative policy of the future," by ex- tracts from the speeches of the leaders of the party, deserves special attention. The first domestic item in the list is the Referendum. The extracts to prove that a poll of the people is now part of the Conservative platform, are taken from a speech made by Lord Salisbury at the Junior Constitutional (Nub on July 7th, 1893, and from a speech made by Mr. Gosohen at Newcastle on April 6th, 1893. The fact that the need for securing a poll of the people in regard to matters of high constitutional import should thus be officially declared to be as much a part of the Conservative policy as "a strong navy," "an Imperial policy," and "one vote one value," is most important and significant. It shows that the Referendum. has at last entered the region of practical politics. The party managers would not have admitted it as an item of the official programme without ample warrant for their act.