4 AUGUST 1894, Page 1

The last news on Friday was that the two fleets

had assembled off Asan, and that a decisive naval battle was imminent. It is further stated, both in a French telegram from Tokio, sent vid Yladivostock, and in an English tele- gram from Shanghai, that Chinese troops have already begun to enter Corea from the land side. The Tokio telegram states that the frontier was crossed on July 25th, and that from Shanghai that "troops twenty thousand stroxig " had entered from Manchuria. A rumour that has caused much comment in the East must not be omitted. Eight Russian warships, with a number of troops on board, have, it is said, left Vladivostock with sealed orders. At the same time Russia is said to have expressed herself willing to help England in the work of keeping the conflagration under.