[To THE EDITOlt OP THE " SPEOTA.TOR."] Sin,—Last night I dreamed. Methought I took up an old book and found on the fly-leaf the name "Victor Charles." The writing seemed late Elizabethan, and I said to myself, "That book belonged to the elder brother of Charles I." (Intelligence at fault as well as memory : it did not seem odd that Prince Henry should bear his brother's name of Charles.) Next, I looked at the cover, and in one corner methought I saw the unmistakable signature of Milton. "Oh," said I, "it must have been in Milton's library, and after his death it .came into the Prince's possession." (Blunder No. 2.) Lastly, I reflected that I could get the book very cheap if I said nothing about my two discoveries. But this course my con- science instantly and imperiously forbade. Is it usual for conscience to be wide awake while memory and intellect are more than half-asleep P I mean, is it usual in dreams P—I am, Sir, &c.,