[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Sia,—The Victoria League has been endeavouring, since 1903, to supply books and newspapers to British people scattered in lonely and distant parts of the Empire. We are more and more amazed by the need of such supplies and by the intense gratitude evoked by even the smallest parcel. We have lately sent libraries to Canadian prairie schools, to Australian and New Zealand back-blocks, to Pacific islands, to lonely planters in Borneo, to the Seychelles, to mining settlements in Newfoundland, to New Guinea, and to the inhabitants of Pitcairn Island.
Our friends have been most generous hitherto, but while reiterating our plea for literature for adults, we would specially emphasize our need of books for the children. We venture to ask your help in making our appeal known for donations to enable us to supplement and complete our libraries and for the purchase of the strong cases which are necessary for the severe journeys which they have to take, and for dock dues. Thanks to the generosity of ninny of the shipping companies, our other transport expenses are reduced to a minimum.
Any gifts of money, or of children's books, will be most gratefully received and acknowledged by the Hon. Secretary, Book and Newspaper Committee, Victoria League, 22 Eccleston Square, S.W. 1. Cheques should be made payable to the Hon. Treasurer, Victoria League.—We are, Sir, &c., M. E. JERSEY, Prmident, Victoria League. II. L. Hay, Chairman, Book and Newspaper Committee, Victoria League.