Mr. Macdonald's Study, Which Is Marked By Thoroughness...
by any special acuteness, aims at showing the position of the intellectual worker, the scientist, the artist, the professional man, in the economic world of to-day. He examines......
Workmen's Compensation For Great Britain. By Joseph L....
Magazine, 9 St. Andrew Street. 6s. net.) This is a useful and compact study of the law and practice of compensation for accidents. The author contends that insurance has tended......
Finance-public & Private.
[By OUR. CITY EDITOR.] HOLIDAY MARKETS. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIE,—In considering the present conditions, both on the Stock Exchange and in the Money Market, it is......
Professor Nippold, By Birth A German, By Choice A Swiss
citizen, laboured for many years before the War and during the War to popularize international law in the German- speaking countries and to promote the idea of arbitration as a......
Life and Letters of Sir Hubert Herkomer : a Study in Struggle and Success. By J. Saxon Mills. (Hutchinson. 24s. net.) A carefully compiled and sympathetic account of a fine......
G. A. Selwyn, Bishop Of New Zealand. By Louise Creighton.
(Longman. 5s. net.) Mrs. Creighton, acting in the spirit of Mr. Asquith's recent advice to biographers, has written a short and compact life of the first Bishop of New Zealand,......
Sons Of The Manse. By The Rev. W. A. Fergusson.
(Dundee t Mathew. 10s. net.) The Scottish manse is known to have been the birthplace of many a great man. Mr. Fergusson, taking the Dictionary of National Biography as a......
This Account Of Napoleon's Trade War With Great Britain...
by a Swedish economist, is extremely interesting. It is, indeed, the only comprehensive account yet written. Dr. Heckscher shows that Napoleon's policy was a failure largely......