The report of the Select Committee which inquired into the
publication in the Press of Divorce and Nullity suits was printed in the papers of Tuesday. The Com- mittee decided that legislation had become necessary " to curtail the unscrupulous publication of indecent matter for purposes of gain." They recommend that the Bill which is before Parliament should be amended so as to exclude the reporting of evidence. On the other hand, they suggest that the grounds of proceedings and the judge's summing up and remarks might be published. The Times has pointed out that the plead- ings, and even the judge's summing-up, may set out the very details which it is desirable to exclude and may contain references to charges which the evidence failed to substantiate. We agree that it seems undesirable that charges should be reported while the rebutting evidence is omitted. Nevertheless, we are inclined to think that the recommendations of the Committee are on the whole a good middle course.