Unemployment Figures A reduction in unemployment figures of more than
93,000 during the last month was announced in the Ministry of Labour's returns issued on Monday night. The total of 1,256,424 is 516,692 less than for the same period last year. and the lowest recorded for ten years. It is not surprising to learn that the most notable declines have been in engineer- ing, shipbuilding, the iron and steel industries and metal goods manufacture. In itself it is impossible not to welcome this improvement, but it is equally impossible to forget the cause of it. In past elections the National Government has appealed to the working-classes on the ground that rearma- ment will mean increased employment. Such a forecast was safe, and it has since proved accurate. But there is a grave danger in identifying employment with international tension. A new and subtle war-psychology may be built up. If the time comes when the present gigantic armaments are no longer necessary, many will be tempted to look back regret- fully to the years of crisis. Preparation must be made for peace as well as for war, and so far it is difficult to discover any permanent or far-sighted governmental measures for the solution of this perennial problem.
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