The August Magazines
INT the Nineteenth Century Mr. M. Wolf describei "The European Situation " as essentially unchanged, since the dicta- tors do not grasp the significance of the resistance that......
FILM COMPANIES' PROFITS By a curious coincidence two of our leading cinema groups, Mr. Maxwell's Associated British Picture Corpora- tion and Mr. Ostrer's Gaumont-British, have......
Prospective Yields
If these estimates are realised—and I do not see why they should prove unduly optimistic—yields on what may be called the border-line stocks will be pretty generous at current......
Venturers' Corner Since I Drew Attention, A Few Weeks Ago,
to the merits of Richardsons, Westgarth convertible debenture stock, the price has risen by stages from 93 to 101. At this level it is fairly valued for the present in relation......