4 AUGUST 1961, Page 3

Portrait of the Week— ma. MACMILLAN ANNOUNCED in the House

of COM. mons that this country would apply for member- ship of the Common Market, to the vociferous indignation of Mr. Fell, and the milder but still Pretty sharp disapproval, expressed elsewhere, of Lord Attlee. The Opposition decided not to ex- Press officially its own varied feelings on the sub- ject. After which members of the House of Lommons broke up for the hols, scheduled to last very nearly three months—among them Mr. Malcolm St. Clair, declared by a couple of judges, if not quite so unanimously by the electorate, to be the lawfully returned member for Bristol South East. Reaction to Mr. Lloyd's economic measures went rumbling on : the Civil Service National Whitley Council warned him that any interference with the accepted methods of settling Civil Service Pay would cause dissatisfaction and disgruntle- ment, the National Association of Schoolmasters called a one-day strike for next month, and the gas workers lined up with the miners and the electrical supply workers in asking for more pay. he Council on Prices, Productivity and Incomes said that what had caused our recent economic difficulties was 'the persistent tendency of pay and Profits to rise faster than production.'

illE COLONIAL SECRETARY ANNOUNCED that Jomo Kenyatta was to be released from his house arrest in Kenya, but to remain disqualified from stand- ing for the Kenya Legislative Council. President itourguiba sent emissaries to Washington, !Nilt3soow and the new African republics to ask for diplomatic and financial help in his dispute with France over Bizerta. President Kennedy's address to the American people on the Berlin situation was regarded in the United States as being virtually a national alert, and Mr. Khrushchev was cross about it. The American Congress voted 403 to 2 ° increase conventional forces, and the Senate 'tidded a thousand million dollars to the appropria- tuns for missile, satellite and bomber forces. All reserve air forces were put on the alert. West ( ,erolany looked as thought it might call up its reservists, too, and West German troops arrived Pembrokeshire. An East German football -`t'uch was sent to gaol for trying to transfer four Ihis Players—to say nothing of himself and the ansfer fees—to West Germany.

ts4IV COMMUNIST PARTY PROGRAMME promised 't "let citizens free bread, housing and public ,rausPort in the course of the next twenty years, a 'democratisation' 'of the party machinery, tuogh Mr. Khrushchev continued to look as , °Ugh he felt safe enough in his job. It was huoured that e miht ot only isit Iay soon, „tunl drop h in' ong then can v Theret l was no "ggestion that he would take the opportunity of i,q(ing the late Mr. Stalin's unanswered question uW many divisions has the Pope?


ektiii.Arso WAS PUT OUT at the local government r(ntoission's repeated recommendation that rIcestershire should take it in and promised not down without a fight. But there was no truth the rumour that an appeal would be made to h"g fellow-feelings of Dr. Nkrumah, who had }len talking about 'colonial oppression' to the jeungarians (themselves not inexpert on the sub- et). Australia beat England in the fourth Test Match e h and retained the Ashes: a playing member rebtn Leicestershire County Cricket Club was h, Liked by his committee for walking hand in :1(1 with his fiancee when he ought to have been pi4,.tehing a match in which he was not himself It was feared that if left unchecked he ei!t. slip th away on his honeymoon without the "`a. In e chairman of the committee and the resident of the MCC.