Light And Liberty
The Story of the ETU Case N February, 1960, the two National Scrutineers of the Electrical Trades Union signed la document declaring that, in the election for General Secretary,......
The Rigging
His preliminary list was an 'estimate' of the requirements of each branch. In due course the actual indents arrived, and, as Mr. Humphrey must have foreseen, contained a smaller......
Dramatis Persona Judge : Mr. Justice Winn.
The Plaintiffs : John Byrne, declared the validly elected General Secretary; Frank Chapple, a candidate for the post of Assistant General Secretary, who alleges, in another......
'light And Liberty' Is The Mono Of The Electrical Trades
Union. This survey of the recent judgment given against some of the ETU leaders, and the events that led up to it , has been corn piled by Peter Benenson and Louis Blom-Cooper.......